
Showing posts from March, 2017
CLIENT SERVICES Last week we discussed the importance of a good team for the success of any agency. In today’s blog and the weeks to follow, we shall extensively talk about each department of the marketing team. Let us start with the Client Services department. This is a very nerve-testing department of a marketing agency. Client handlers basically hold the doors for money to walk into your agency. They form the frontlines of your company. They attract the clients, convince them to opt for you, deal with them consistently, update them and make sure that the client is satisfied. They serve as the mouthpiece of the agency as they speak for it and the services it provides. Why nerve-testing? Well, mainly because of the varying nature of the clients. The people who come to a marketing agency to elevate their product have a different way of thinking. They would believe that your agency is solely responsible to popularize their product. They would yell at you if it doesn’t h

Significance of a Marketing Team

Creative Junction Marketing is a broad field. There are various branches of human expertise that are linked with it. In this blog today, we’ll be focusing on the significance of a good rather an extraordinary team to become a great marketing agency. Marketing includes creativity, design, web developing, client handling and some other essential jobs. To get a hold of these things effectively, you need to have a team which is well suited to perform these tasks in a way that it inspires the audience. All great things in the world never dawned straight away. They came as vague ideas, presented before people, pondered over by others, criticized by some and ultimately refined enough to leave a mark. It is after all these processes that greatness is born. A team must compose of capable people. Making a compromise over a single one of these departments is equivalent to compromise the reputation of your agency. It is therefore, essential to build a team with capable minds to sail
Advertising Agency While starting a business, a person has dreams associated with it. There are desires linked with a possible successful future of it. Making a name for a business is intrinsically making a name for oneself. But starting a business was just the first step. The real test begins after that. How can I grow in the ever competing market? How can I leave an impact? These are the questions whose answers one must seek to actualize his dreams. This is where marketing steps in. Marketing is like an oxygen cylinder to a business. A business would find hard to survive if it opts to avoid marketing. Historically, the narrative has been well established that introducing your brand to the market in a catchy way is what makes your brand outshine others. Someone must have told a friend that there is a guy Colonel Harland Sanders (KFC) who makes very tasty fried chicken and you should try them. That someone was basically marketing Sander’s brilliant brand. Marketi
CREATIVE JUNCTION Creative Junction Will Make Your Company Great Again Have you the faintest idea about what makes a brand stand apart from other brands? The answer is simpler than you think: It is the advertising. No matter how firm your intent is, no matter how much time and effort you invest in the quality of your products and services, but it will still be practically impossible to compete at the global market. Why? Just because of a poor choice. If you choose the wrong advertising agency, it could cost you the future of your entire business. Creative Junction is no ordinary marketing agency. It is one of the best marketing agencies in Lahore that strives to become better and better at every opportunity it gets. It offers all kinds of services pertaining to advertising. When it comes to advertising, quality is the part which cannot be compromised. The professionals working at this firm leave no stone unturned to ensure quality and client-satisfaction. Team Creati