Last week we discussed the importance of a good team for the success of any agency. In today’s blog and the weeks to follow, we shall extensively talk about each department of the marketing team. Let us start with the Client Services department.

This is a very nerve-testing department of a marketing agency. Client handlers basically hold the doors for money to walk into your agency. They form the frontlines of your company. They attract the clients, convince them to opt for you, deal with them consistently, update them and make sure that the client is satisfied. They serve as the mouthpiece of the agency as they speak for it and the services it provides.

Why nerve-testing? Well, mainly because of the varying nature of the clients. The people who come to a marketing agency to elevate their product have a different way of thinking. They would believe that your agency is solely responsible to popularize their product. They would yell at you if it doesn’t happen and they would blame you for any fallback. They would point errors in your efforts and try to sound bossy as if they have bought you. Yes, it’s true. Welcome to the marketing world.
And because of this tough nature of the job, you need people who can deal with it effectively. Who know how to pacify a client and produce the results that a client wants. Who can take the pressure and yet deliver to keep your agency running. Client handlers are certainly a very important asset of a marketing agency.

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