
Showing posts from May, 2017

Talk about the Boss (Part 2)

Boss - The Leader There are certain traits that a good boss must possess. If an organization is lucky to have such a boss, it is more likely to step on the elevator of success. Half of the employees that quit their jobs quit because of their boss. A bad boss is the single biggest reason for disengagement and low performance in an organization. Let us see what attributes a good boss must have. A good boss must be a positive thinker, one who looks at every situation as a learning opportunity. He must be honest to the employees. He must know when to when to leave the matter to the employee rather than infiltrating in every task. He must be a good communicator. He must inspire the employees to be as passionate as he is. He must keep the team focused and let them lead a balanced life i.e. he must not overburden the employees. He must give credit to the employees openheartedly if they perform well. He must encourage and praise whatever small thing an employee does. He must be a mento

Talk about the Boss (Part-1)

Creative Junction - Advertising Agency We talked about all the important departments of a marketing agency in previous blogs. We deeply analyzed their work and importance. However, all these departments depend on one person to work smoothly. That person is the Boss; whom the whole agency looks up to. Like a commander in a war, a leader in a government, a teacher in a school, there is a boss in a business. We all seek someone in our lives who could show us the way and in a corporate world, boss is exactly that person. A boss manages the agency to make every one work accordingly and coherently. A boss sets the goals of an agency to envision the landmarks that the agency must reach. A boss balances the profits and expenditures to keep the company’s vaults happy. There is a lot more in the list of tasks that boss does but let us stick with the clichéd line that a boss ‘leads from the front’. The role of a boss is the most important. However, it is also a very sensitive position th

TV Commercials

TVC's The modern age of advertising has gone various ways. Today, many businesses run on digital platforms such as Facebook and websites. However, this influence has not yet diminished the print and television forums which are still a vibrant place of marketing. This tells us that in marketing, no forum dies out even if it loses a little audience. Today, we’ll talk about the video marketing i.e. the Television commercials (TVCs); probably the most pleasant and expensive form of marketing. The charm however, is unmatchable. Film has always been the most alluring element of entertainment and this action, when applied to advertising, creates immense attraction for the consumers. There have been a number of TV commercials directed to perfection, with a stint of humor and brilliant acting that elevated the position of a brand in people’s minds. The famous Panda cheese commercials, Lays’ fascinating series starring Lionel Messi, Coca Cola’s range of ads in the 20th century and in