Talk about the Boss (Part-1)

Creative Junction - Advertising Agency

We talked about all the important departments of a marketing agency in previous blogs. We deeply analyzed their work and importance. However, all these departments depend on one person to work smoothly. That person is the Boss; whom the whole agency looks up to.

Like a commander in a war, a leader in a government, a teacher in a school, there is a boss in a business. We all seek someone in our lives who could show us the way and in a corporate world, boss is exactly that person. A boss manages the agency to make every one work accordingly and coherently. A boss sets the goals of an agency to envision the landmarks that the agency must reach. A boss balances the profits and expenditures to keep the company’s vaults happy. There is a lot more in the list of tasks that boss does but let us stick with the clichéd line that a boss ‘leads from the front’.

The role of a boss is the most important. However, it is also a very sensitive position that singlehandedly could build or destroy a company. He can either make employees yearning to stay in the agency or quit it. There are a number of attributes that a good boss must contain for the healthy functioning and growth of a company that we’ll discuss in the next blog.

To be continued….

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