Talk about the Boss (Part 2)

Boss - The Leader

There are certain traits that a good boss must possess. If an organization is lucky to have such a boss, it is more likely to step on the elevator of success. Half of the employees that quit their jobs quit because of their boss. A bad boss is the single biggest reason for disengagement and low performance in an organization. Let us see what attributes a good boss must have.

A good boss must be a positive thinker, one who looks at every situation as a learning opportunity. He must be honest to the employees. He must know when to when to leave the matter to the employee rather than infiltrating in every task. He must be a good communicator. He must inspire the employees to be as passionate as he is. He must keep the team focused and let them lead a balanced life i.e. he must not overburden the employees. He must give credit to the employees openheartedly if they perform well. He must encourage and praise whatever small thing an employee does. He must be a mentor more than being a boss. He must keep a neutral regard for everyone and make no favorites. Lastly, he must encourage good habits in the employees to make them more productive.
These qualities make up a good boss and a good boss makes up a successful business.

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