The Money Keepers!!!

Accounts Department

When you run a business, one of the most important things is to look over the flow of money for it is the basement of every business. You need to keep a careful eye on its inlets, the place where it’s kept and of course, its outlets. The future of you and your company depends on the revenue you generate.
This essential task is to be taken after by the Accounts Department. An Accounts manager with a team of people who are good with numbers is supposed to do this job for you. Accountants are very rich apparently, not specifically in reality though. You sit with them at a cafeteria and they would talk of millions or billions even and still ask you to pay for the tea. This is the nature of their job.
So you need to hire people with specific traits in this department. People who are honest and can deal a tense situation with perseverance. People who master the numbers and know how to control their movements effectively. This department is very important and it must run in a careful and systematic way. If this department of your agency is good, your treasure vaults will be good.

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