
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Blessed Festival of Eid ul Fitr

As this blessed month of Ramzan comes to an end, Allah Subhana WaTa’ala bestows upon his followers this auspicious festival as a gift for their month long sacrifice. Eid ul Fitr is an event to unionize the Muslim community as a whole, to preach the message of love and brotherhood, to overlook our differences and unite as one Ummah as the Divine blessings descend on each and every one of us.  The festive occasion of Eid ul Fitr is a valuable present for Muslims. The hadith pertaining to it is narrated by Hazrat Anas (RA) in the following manner: “Holy Prophet came to Madinah, the people had two days in which they used to entertain and amuse themselves. He asked: “What are these two days?” They said: “We used to amuse ourselves and take pleasure in these two days during the Days of Ignorance (jahiliyyah). The Messenger of Allah said, “Allah has substituted for you something better than these two; the Eid of Adha (sacrifice) and the Eid of Fitr.”  [Sunan Abi Dawood] From this

Print Marketing is not dead (Part 3)

Print Media has certain inherent attributes that make it an essential need even today. One of them being the fact that Personalized print media has a more powerful presence than a personalized email, because the audience can recognize that it takes more effort to customize print media than digital. Accordingly, the audience feels special because the personal touch that they receive via print in contrast to the digital presence of an aesthetic work. The seriousness that Print Media encompasses is hard to be found in digital world. You will hardly find a serious entrepreneurs Facebook id or Twitter URL on his/her visiting card. Moreover, many companies are competing online for their audience's attention, which can make it hard to stand out in the crowd. Compared with how often and how quickly you check your email, consider the daily ritual of going to the mailbox and checking your postal mail. You set aside a few moments to take the time to look at every piece of mail before g

Print Marketing is not dead (Part 2)

Print Marketing Let us further converse over this topic and analyze another reason that make Print Media still an effective form of advertising. A basic reason for the efficacy of print is the fact that it is more reliable and fulfils the process of accountability. Social Media is a private medium. When you search a brand or a business on social media, you will hardly get a single result for it. Instead, you will be shown three, four or even more business pages/groups operating under the same title. This will be a confounding situation for someone who does not know the intricacies to identify the authenticity of a brand. Since Facebook is a private and open market, anyone can replicate the identity of a brand. Contrary to this, Print Media is still the authentic forum. You can rely on the ad that you see on a newspaper and can even access it through the newspaper. As opposed to social media, it becomes inevitable for a newspaper to check the validity of a brand beforehand or

Print Marketing is not dead (Part 1)

It is basically a claim made in a blog by This debate actually exists in the society. It is said that the powerful and dominating social media marketing is overshadowing the conventional methods of marketing, print being the most popular conventional medium. However, we need to see if it is really so. Can anything replace print marketing? Can anything outdate print? Can print actually lose its effectiveness by the advent of modern methods? Can print media die? Let us try to trace the answers of these questions. There is no doubt that internet has taken our lives by a storm and there is no denying as well that social media has taken internet by a storm. But to see the evolution of print media and how it dominated the world of marketing for more than a century, it can be said that it is far from being dead. A legacy so strong cannot be just washed away. There a number of reasons that still make Print Media an active medium. The first reason is the age group tha