Print Marketing is not dead (Part 2)

Print Marketing

Let us further converse over this topic and analyze another reason that make Print Media still an effective form of advertising.

A basic reason for the efficacy of print is the fact that it is more reliable and fulfils the process of accountability. Social Media is a private medium. When you search a brand or a business on social media, you will hardly get a single result for it. Instead, you will be shown three, four or even more business pages/groups operating under the same title. This will be a confounding situation for someone who does not know the intricacies to identify the authenticity of a brand. Since Facebook is a private and open market, anyone can replicate the identity of a brand.

Contrary to this, Print Media is still the authentic forum. You can rely on the ad that you see on a newspaper and can even access it through the newspaper. As opposed to social media, it becomes inevitable for a newspaper to check the validity of a brand beforehand or otherwise, it would jeopardize the very reputation of the newspaper. Moreover, when you hand someone your business card, you create a direct social relation with the person you are meeting. This direct social relation has more weightage than an ad on the social media. Therefore, print being the more serious and authentic platform for advertising gets an edge over other modern mediums.
There will be more in the blogs to come.

To be continued….

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