Print Marketing is not dead (Part 1)

It is basically a claim made in a blog by This debate actually exists in the society. It is said that the powerful and dominating social media marketing is overshadowing the conventional methods of marketing, print being the most popular conventional medium. However, we need to see if it is really so. Can anything replace print marketing? Can anything outdate print? Can print actually lose its effectiveness by the advent of modern methods? Can print media die?
Let us try to trace the answers of these questions. There is no doubt that internet has taken our lives by a storm and there is no denying as well that social media has taken internet by a storm. But to see the evolution of print media and how it dominated the world of marketing for more than a century, it can be said that it is far from being dead. A legacy so strong cannot be just washed away. There a number of reasons that still make Print Media an active medium.

The first reason is the age group that Print Media targets. Social media has been an attractive forum for the youth but there is no denying that for the elderly and aged people, it is still not the most interesting one. A large number of people who are in their 50s, 60s, or 70s even, consider this technology an alien idea; something that either they don’t understand or they don’t want to understand. For them, the most reliable and understandable source of information is Print Media. They like to get up in the morning and have a cup of tea with the newspaper in their hands. It has become a habit that they cannot leave easily. For such a group of people, since they are consumers too, print marketing is still the best medium.
There are a number of other reasons that will be discussed in the blogs to come. Stay put.

To be continued…

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