5 Dimensions of Creativity in Advertising

Whenever you ask a professional business owner about what is the key to success in advertising then the most common answer you will get is nothing is more effective than creativity in advertising. Creativity makes the ad memorable, makes it last longer and promotes fan building.
Creativity is basically divergent thinking - namely, the ability to find unusual and nonobvious solutions to a problem. There are five dimensions of advertising creativity, which leads to the creation of a successful ad. Let’s have a look at them:

An ad that is original has rare and surprising elements. The major focus is always on the uniqueness of the ideas or features contained in the ad.

An ad is flexible when it effectively links the products to a number of uses and ideas.

Many ads contain unexpected details or extend simple ideas so that they become more intricate and complicated. It is mostly something the audience can relate to.

This dimension of creativity is about blending or connecting normally unrelated objects or ideas. Sometimes, unrelated objects are combined for creating a divergent storyline.

Artistic Value
Ads that contain a high level of artistic creativity have aesthetically appealing verbal, visual, or sound elements. Their production quality is high, their dialogue is clever, their color palette is original, or their music is memorable. As a result, consumers often view the ads as almost a piece of art rather than a blatant sales pitch. If your ad contains all these elements, it’s creative indeed.

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