
5 Dimensions of Creativity in Advertising

Whenever you ask a professional business owner about what is the key to success in advertising then the most common answer you will get is nothing is more effective than creativity in advertising. Creativity makes the ad memorable, makes it last longer and promotes fan building. Creativity is basically divergent thinking - namely, the ability to find unusual and nonobvious solutions to a problem. There are five dimensions of advertising creativity, which leads to the creation of a successful ad. Let’s have a look at them: Originality An ad that is original has rare and surprising elements. The major focus is always on the uniqueness of the ideas or features contained in the ad. Flexibility An ad is flexible when it effectively links the products to a number of uses and ideas. Elaboration Many ads contain unexpected details or extend simple ideas so that they become more intricate and complicated. It is mostly something the audience can relate to. Synthe

Customer Retention Strategies

Customer retention means keeping customers locked in with your business for a long term. This means you spend less and naturally earn more, don’t take my word for it, listen to the experts. According to  Harvard Business School , by increasing just 5% retaining rate, will see you an increase your profits by 25% to 95%. This study made experts scatter to focus on retaining rather than getting new customers. Why wouldn’t they? It doesn’t make sense to keep filling a bucket with holes in it. In today’s day and age, it’s very hard to retain customers, given how much competition there is. So, here are a few strategies that will help you get the upper hand when it comes to keeping your costumers happy. To focus more on retention than acquisition, consider: ·         Use your words proactively: Customers want maximum utilization of their business, so a majority of them will be stingy, and might back down if they see less money being spent somewhere else. Use your previous busines

Golden Rules of Excellent Client Service

CLIENT SERVICES A client is an individual who keeps coming to purchase your product or service. That majorly happens because he likes the rapport built with your company. To keep the relationship running, you need to work on client servicing. After all, they are the bloodline of any business. Whether it is a new client or an existing one, here are the golden rules of excellent client service that all businesses should follow: Clients Are Humans Too Some clients are smart, some are unreasonable, and some give you nightmares while there are such too who give a pat on your back. Successful client service calls for treating clients as human beings and try to understand their psyche. This might happen over time but it will help you in devising solutions that eventually fit your client’s requirement. Educate Them  The phrase that ‘the client is always right’ is not always applicable. As the web is transforming every day, new stuff is being introduced and the old is being obso

Building a Culture of Creative Thinking

Creative Junction Every business has the utmost goal of keeping up with the latest trends of its industry and stay ahead of its competitors. But the question is how? Through creative thinking of course. Did you know that according to a study by Adobe and Forrester Consulting, 82% of companies believe there is a strong connection between creativity and successful business results? Creativity is extremely important in fields like marketing and design. With a dash of unconventional thinking, your business can go a long way. It doesn’t just produce winning sales and marketing campaigns that increase the brand appeal, but it also helps in fostering a unique culture within each department of the organization. You can’t just say to your staff “be creative” and expect innovative ideas to evolve magically. An innovation-driven work environment has to be nurtured and encouraged and it all starts with the company’s LEADERSHIP! Managers are responsible for promoting a safe and non-j

Tips to Create an Effective Ad

No matter what type of business you are running, it is pertinent to understand the basics of writing a good advertisement. Every day, thousands of Rupees are wasted on poor and ineffective ads. Making an Effective Ad Every business needs a new customer to successfully run the business. With ineffective ads, you may even lose the existing customers, let alone attracting new ones. Fortunately, there are some core principles that every business should follow to create effective ads and use them as a powerful promotional tool whether dealing with emails, brochures, magazines, newspaper ads, postcards, online ads, websites or more. Following are the tried and tested tips that can help you get the results with your advertisement: • Use A Powerful Headline to Grab The Attention! • Make your Customers An Offer They Can’t Refuse! • Talk About The Benefits – What’s In It for Them! • Take Away Their Fear: Make Your Offer as Risk-Free as Possible! • Add a “Call To Action” and

Just for a Moment, Let’s be still

Life has become excessively fast. All around ourselves, we see everyone in some sort of a race. People trying to get hold of things before time runs out. People trying to preserve their future while ruining their present. Everything is mechanical. Every life is robotic. It can be conceded somewhat that this is the order of the day. This is demanded from every individual to be able to survive. Living, let’s just say, has been undermined by survival. You turn on the television and what do you see? Reports from different parts of the world about calamities, tragedies and loss of lives are the most visible sights. While we have normalized ourselves to such visuals, deep down ourselves, we do know and realize that this is not what we wanted. And yet, life moves on. We all want peace but none of us wants to contribute to it effectively since we are all busy in attempts of our own survival, even if it comes at the cost of others. Here’s a tip. Stop running around and take a moment

The Blessed Festival of Eid ul Fitr

As this blessed month of Ramzan comes to an end, Allah Subhana WaTa’ala bestows upon his followers this auspicious festival as a gift for their month long sacrifice. Eid ul Fitr is an event to unionize the Muslim community as a whole, to preach the message of love and brotherhood, to overlook our differences and unite as one Ummah as the Divine blessings descend on each and every one of us.  The festive occasion of Eid ul Fitr is a valuable present for Muslims. The hadith pertaining to it is narrated by Hazrat Anas (RA) in the following manner: “Holy Prophet came to Madinah, the people had two days in which they used to entertain and amuse themselves. He asked: “What are these two days?” They said: “We used to amuse ourselves and take pleasure in these two days during the Days of Ignorance (jahiliyyah). The Messenger of Allah said, “Allah has substituted for you something better than these two; the Eid of Adha (sacrifice) and the Eid of Fitr.”  [Sunan Abi Dawood] From this