Golden Rules of Excellent Client Service


A client is an individual who keeps coming to purchase your product or service. That majorly happens because he likes the rapport built with your company. To keep the relationship running, you need to work on client servicing. After all, they are the bloodline of any business.
Whether it is a new client or an existing one, here are the golden rules of excellent client service that all businesses should follow:

Clients Are Humans Too

Some clients are smart, some are unreasonable, and some give you nightmares while there are such too who give a pat on your back. Successful client service calls for treating clients as human beings and try to understand their psyche. This might happen over time but it will help you in devising solutions that eventually fit your client’s requirement.

Educate Them 

The phrase that ‘the client is always right’ is not always applicable. As the web is transforming every day, new stuff is being introduced and the old is being obsolete. That means you need to educate your client about the new industry trends. It is important that your client learns with you. A good approach is to share the industry reports with them on a regular basis. They would love to see you taking the pain for their business. Other than this, show them the competition scan. Clients love to be pampered with industry insights. So feed them with what they admire.

Client Need Attention 

As we are working on multiple accounts with multiple clients, it gets a bit challenging to give complete attention and time to each one. In the middle of it all, we forget about the importance of client attention. Try to live by the following productivity rules:
Always be on time for meetings
Communicate with your clients. Let them know how much time will be required to complete a particular task. Don’t email them, call them.
Know your client’s boss and the boss’s boss. Keep in touch with the hierarchy. Call them frequently to make sure they recognize your voice and have your phone number. Effective networking is very significant. Make sure that your conversations are meaningful especially when you are talking to a higher authority.
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