Just for a Moment, Let’s be still

Life has become excessively fast. All around ourselves, we see everyone in some sort of a race. People trying to get hold of things before time runs out. People trying to preserve their future while ruining their present. Everything is mechanical. Every life is robotic.

It can be conceded somewhat that this is the order of the day. This is demanded from every individual to be able to survive. Living, let’s just say, has been undermined by survival. You turn on the television and what do you see? Reports from different parts of the world about calamities, tragedies and loss of lives are the most visible sights. While we have normalized ourselves to such visuals, deep down ourselves, we do know and realize that this is not what we wanted. And yet, life moves on.

We all want peace but none of us wants to contribute to it effectively since we are all busy in attempts of our own survival, even if it comes at the cost of others. Here’s a tip. Stop running around and take a moment to think what has gone wrong and what can be improved. Try to relate to others with compassion and it will find its way back to you. Make yourself believe that you are not too busy to have a peaceful life. And while you do all that, try to listen to this beautiful song by The Head and The Heart:
“The world's just spinning
A little too fast
If things don't slow down soon we might not last.
So just for the moment, let's be still.”

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